On this controversial episode of The Uber Experiment Business Entertainment Show Marcin Migdal rides with Actor / Host of The Gay Men Channel Justin Gerhard.
Marcin Migdal interviews Justin Gerhard on this controversial episode of The UBER Experiment Reality Show. Get Business Advice and learn all about gay stereotypes. Read the full story on HuffingtonPost at http://huff.to/297qifv
Season 2. Episode 4 - The Gayest Uber Ever
Justin Gerhard - @gaymenchannel)
Marcin Migdal - http://marcinmigdal.com
From the get-go Justin's energy is contagious and we know this will be one fun conversation. Justin shares talks about coming out as young adult and keeping his sexuality in a closet until university. Justin is a graduate of the New York Film Academy Musical Theatre program who received a scholarship to actors program at The Second City Toronto.
Are you #Gayforjustin? - Actor & Youtuber Justin Gerhard (Host of The Gay Men Channel Show) rides The UBER Experiment with Serial Entrepreneur & Host Marcin Migdal on this episode of Toronto's UberExperiment.
If you're a gay man, women or wish to learn more about the gay community, stereotypes and if you're taste in music makes you gay, this episode explores and breaks the myths and ignorance you may have.
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Have you asked yourself if you're gay yet? On this week's episode of The Uber Experiment you will find out.
"I would like to dedicate this episode to the victims and families affected by the Orlando attack. I encourage all people to educate themselves and find tolerance for sexual preference, gender identification, religious beliefs, individualism and rid the world of senseless hatred and ignorance! " - Marcin Migdal
If you're a gay or bi-curious man, women or child and questioning your sexuality you must dedicate 40 minutes to Justin Gerhard's uber experiment episode as he shares a candid account of living as a young gay man in the media spotlight.
This episode is as much for heterosexual jocks as it is for lipstick lesbians and the gay community at large. It's time to educate yourself right from the source and breakdown stereotypes and walls of ignorance. You'll also find out if listening to Taylor Swift, Spice Girls or Justin Bieber makes you gay!.
Keep reading on Huffington Post.
It's gay pride month in Toronto and everybody's favorite Toronto Uber driver and Entrepreneur Marcin Migdal investigates what it means to be a gay or bi-curious person living in today's society. This time The Uber Experiment had the opportunity to pick up Justin Gerhard, the rider is an established Canadian Youtuber, Actor, Activist, Entrepreneur and Host of The Gay Men Channel (@gaymenchannel) and was an open book as he and Marcin engaged Justin in hopes of a better understanding gay culture and exactly what a homosexual person feels inside before and after they leave the closet.
On a hot sunny day, in the heart of downtown Toronto, Marcin pulled up to Williams Landing Restaurant in Liberty Village neighborhood of Toronto and picked up this week's rider Justin Gerhard. You could sense the accepting energy created by his charismatic personality as he entered the Uber Bimmer- after all that's what great conversations are made of!.
Nothing was off the table as Marcin's inquisitiveness took over, from religion, to politics, Justin Trudeau, to Stonewall riots, gay and lesbian stereotypes, family dynamics and the film Spotlight.
I just knew i was strangely attracted to guys in a way nobody else was. I thought to myself this is wrong, I shouldn't be doing this, i just shut it off as much as i could until university." said Justin when Marcin asked if he was conflicted with the feelings he was experiencing as a teenager.
Justin's love for the Uber Experiment prompted a series of questions on how the Idea came to be and Marcin's passion took over as his business and marketing acumen took over the conversation.
The Uber Experiment wouldn't be what it is without conversations on business, ideas and passion, thankfully Justin exudes all three. Justin contributes his hosting duties on The Gay Men Channel to a viral video he was a part of for GayWomensChannel (now UnsolicitedProjects). He was in that FIRST GAY HUG video that you probably saw.
Justin's moxy, good looks and positive attitude convinced Sarah and Adrianna (Creators of UnsolicitedProjects) to create a separate channel for the male audience, and so The Gay Men Channel was born with Justin at the helm. Few months later he took over the hosting duties full time.
"I have close gay friends; Eddie H, Stephen W, Bruce, Ian M...shout out!. I grew up in Poland with no television, then moved to Sarnia as a teen and wasn't exposed to anything gay. I guess I didn't have a chance to develop my ignorance or be brainwashed by the media." ~ Marcin Migdal
As time went on, Justin felt the channel was evolving and growing. Gay Women Channel's success prompted expansion of their content into more diverse topics that could be enjoyed by all women, and so it was re-branded to UnsolicitedProjects. Justin felt similar to the content he was offering and decided to start covering topics near and dear to his heart which catapulted him to nearly 30 000 subscribers in only a year.
The gay community is accepting, endearing and loving, "I have a few close gay friends; Eddie H, Stephen W, Bruce, Ian M...shout out!. I grew up in Poland with no television, then moved to Sarnia as a teen and wasn't exposed to it. I guess I didn't have a chance to develop my ignorance or be brainwashed by the media." said Marcin when Justin asked him why he feels he isn't homophobic.
Justin didn't make it this far on sheer good looks alone, just as most entrepreneurs, he put in the time, the sweat and the struggle to get here. Justin has a world class theater and performance education from New York Film Academy's Theater program. After a few years at New York, Justin moved to Toronto with high hopes of establishing a good foundation for his craft, “hitting the pavement” as he put, until he landed his spot in the industry with Adriana and Sarah.
Watch the FULL Extended UBERExperiment Episode below, share, like and #spreadthegay, #loveislove #comeforaride on #theuberexperiment #realityshow
For most parents, having a child come out of the closet is challenging enough, let alone three. That's the case with Justin's family, his brother and sister are both gay as well. "it's a happy home" Justing dad stated in the mini drama series entitled "All our kids are gay" which can be found on Justin's Youtube channel.
As the pair discussed controversial topics, both Marcin and Justin agreed the older generation are set in their was and have a more displaced view towards homosexuality, diversity and other controversies.
As the pair discussed controversial topics, both Marcin and Justin agreed the older generation are set in their was and have a more displaced view towards homosexuality, diversity and other controversies.
“Still, there are a lot of that generation that are understanding and I think it's amazing that somebody can live through World War I, II and other wars, through shifts in technology and industry to live in an equal world.” said Justin.
The adaptation and transition to LGBT acceptance is slow. It seems arbitrary to address sexual preference in today’s society one would think. Looking back at human history, homosexual practices were public; in fact, it’s evident in films such as Troy, Gladiator and the popular HBO series Game of Thrones, that male protagonists are portrayed as bi-sexual or gay, recalled Marcin on the ride, "because it happened!" shouted Justin.
So where does the non acceptance originate from? According to Justin and possibly a fair distribution of individuals, “Religion” is a big reason for the ideology of sexual taboos in regards to homosexuality.
It’s quite ironic however, within certain denominations of religion, people higher up in the spiritual hierarchy seem to display sexual tendencies towards the same sex. Certain statistic even draw some surprising data that would really have someone question maxims taught within the religious sects. Take a look at the Academy Award Winning Film SPOTLIGHT if you're not quite convinced.
“June is dubbed pride month and for the first time ever, a prime minister Justin Trudeau raised the pride flag in Ottawa. I mean, that’s a huge deal!” Justin said.
There is so much to Justin, his success and his future, we're happy we had a chance to share his story with all of you and we challenge you to a task: befriend one gay, trans-gendered or lesbian person and have a candid conversation with them over coffee, tea or a Frappacino and keep an open mind. You just may be surprised that they're made of flesh, bone and emotions just like you are.
We hope you enjoyed another thrilling ride on The Uber Experiment with your favorite Toronto driver that films and investigates CEOs, JOEs and entrepreneurs and tells you how it is. So come on the show #comeforaride on #theuberexperiment #realityshow
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Article Written by Marcin Migdal. Associate Editor Wesley Juma. Special Thanks to: MAP Entertainment, UXE Films, Producer Courtney Brown.
About The Uber Experiment Reality Show
The UBER Experiment is a business reality show on wheels with a dash of comedy. Imagine Shark Tank in a Cash Cab ! A Serial Entrepreneur and Investor poses as Toronto UBER driver who en route engages in smart, fun, light hearted conversations about business, ideas, career advice & passion. Riders promote their skills and companies and even receive prizes.
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