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CANON EOS SL200 : Canada: http://amzn.to/2FpDzRr
AmazonUSA: https://geni.us/canonsl2DSLRUS
DJI MAVIC Drone - Canada: http://amzn.to/2CCI7P7
AmazonUsa: https://geni.us/mavicproUS
Ring Light - https://geni.us/neweer-ring-light
3 Softbox Studio Lights - https://geni.us/3softboxlights
GoPro 7 Camera https://geni.us/gopro7cam
GoPro/DSLR Lense Kit - https://geni.us/52mmLenses
Rhode mic - https://geni.us/rhodemic
Dynex Tripod - http://amzn.to/2Gye2CH
360fly 4K degree camera: https://geni.us/360fly4k
Camera Bag - https://geni.us/bagsmartBag
Hero 5,6,7 GoPro 9HR battery: http://amzn.to/2EM2ifj
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