by Business Entertainment Show | Advice & Lifestyles of Entreprenerus

Do you know the secret behind having an entrepreneurial spirit? Well, today's rider Dom Kawa; Chief Operating Officer of Realty Training and Investments firm 1PLUS12 certainly does and he doesn't hesitate sharing. In real estate buying the first property may be the toughest but is definitely not the most important decision of your lifetime. Once the positive cash flow is secured, the endless activities in entrepreneurship are achievable and are easy to catch.

Real estate market has been on fire since 2010, property values are climbing 4 - 8 % in Toronto and Vancouver year over year. If you didn't lose in 2008, you wouldn't even remember how terrible it was... heck, I lost a lot of money on one investment property i was selling that year. But the past is the past, and now if you have the money you should jump on the wagon. However if you can't afford to buy alone, invest in syndicated investments or mortgages so you can create financial independence, freedom and get the time to do what you love.



" Knowledge is key, not necessarily going to school and getting a piece of paper to say you made it, but life skills… getting back up when you’ve heard no a thousand times and gotten beat up. ” ~ Dom Kawa


About this Episode



In today’s episode of THE UBER EXPERIMENT business reality show, we get to meet Dom Kawa; Chief Operating Officer of Real Estate Training and Investments firm 1PLUS12 and a lifelong entrepreneur. In the cockpit, it is I – Marcin Migdal, Toronto's undercover UBER Driver, ready to extract tidbits of knowledge and advice that will make you all smarter and perhaps show you another way of achieving your financial goals.

Today’s rider is serious and these are the types of interviews I live for. Factual knowledge, effective advice based on years of experience and I hope as you watch and listen to Dom it's as eye-opening as it was to me.  Just as all riders on THE UBER EXPERIMENT, Dom Kawa shares failures and successes of his career. If you’ve been watching other episodes you’ll recall that failure affects the entrepreneurship spirit and strengthens a person’s character.

The sustainable production, protection and perpetuation of wealth requires an uncommon approach to investing and entrepreneurship that many people struggle just to identify, let alone learn and apply. 1PLUS12 directly addresses 3 unanswered questions that are the cause of many struggles. How do I actually invest in real estate correctly? How do I automate my cash flow? How do I create real, sustainable, generational wealth?


Dom’s company, 1PLUS12 exists to develop people into financially independent, free-thinking human beings and in the process equip them with the skills and the necessary structures to produce, protect and perpetuate wealth now and for generations to come.

Nowadays a present COO behind the 1PLUS12 investment and real estate training company, Dom claims what opened his eyes during his career and how choosing the right investment time after time matters to your entire career in real estate. But apart from that, Dom also tells us how he got started, what inspires and challenges him and how he identified opportunities in disguise. Investing with the right people is as important as investing into right ideas, and our conversation today will prove that.


" Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. You teach him how to fish you feed him for life. " ~ Dom Kawa

If you're assuming Dom learnt his business skills and honed his entrepreneurial spirit in college, you are sadly mistaken. In fact, as you'll hear from Dom, at 18 Dom chose the shovel instead of academics. His hard work ethic propelled him in the ranks of odd jobs till he became a construction company foreman. However a terrible construction accident rendered him immobile at which point Dom discovered Donald Trump and decided he would use the time of recovery to learn about this man and gather as much knowledge about real estate investing as he could. Dom believes “knowledge is key, not necessarily going to school and getting a piece of paper to say you made it, but life skills… getting back up when you’ve heard no a thousand times and gotten beat up.”

We can definitely conclude that my experience as a Toronto UBER driver hosting many successful riders has come to a point where I, Marcin Migdal, am the guy that can get every life lesson out of every everyday person or a successful entrepreneur out there. Without an intention to brag about myself, I just found out how a simple ride can get me, you and everybody to a long idea we’ve been thinking about or a future opportunity in the field of our interest. Or even more than that… his aspirations for the future as well as the drawbacks in his past.

During this Toronto uber ride I asked the right questions and extracted indispensable knowledge from this senior partner at 1PLUS12 real estate training and investment firm. And with Dom Kawa, the early sunny morning interview easily shifts into a lesson in disguise, as spoken by this real estate investment guru that leverage all the methods and techniques in investing, has seen what high returns look like and how the risk should be perceived in an the right entrepreneurial spirit.

Until next time, I remain my humble self and continue to Uber On!

~ MR. Uber (A.K.A. Marcin Migdal)


" Listen to yourself! There is something inside of everyone I believe you'd be willing to give up your life energy for. " ~ Dom Kawa


“ It’s not always the product that matters, it’s the people you invest in. ” ~ Marcin Migdal 


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